quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011

My Mother's Fear

I kinda understand my mother denial about the fact that I'm transsexual.She is afraid that I will never get a decent job,that I will be made fun of all the time,that I will be alone for the rest of my life,ugly,fat,and she thinks that I will be super girly(when I said that will be easier to talk to people when I will feel better about me,she imitated a flamboyant and very girliysh girl)and today when we saw a pretty un-classy lady,with drag-like make up and very fake hair color,my brother said that she looked like a tranny,and my mother said something of me wanting to be transsexual.She believe that I will look like that,I hope I can explain to her that I will not change who I am,just my appearance.

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